Founder, Head Instructor
Kim Sensei has been practicing swordsmanship starting off with kendo since he was 12 years old and starting Toyama Ryu at 18 years old. He is the youngest to hold his rank in the Zen Nihon Toyama Ryu Iaido Renmei and has had great success at tournaments in Japan and the US.
ZNTIR - 6th dan, Renshi
US Federation of Battodo - 6th dan, President
US Federation of Battodo - Technical Director
Seizan-kai - 4th dan
Kendo - 2nd dan

Senior Instructor
Charles has been practicing with the dojo since 2012 coming from a background with multiple martial arts experience which helped to bring different perspectives. He has competed in Japan, Hong Kong, and the US with great results. He is known for his gekken skills.
ZNTIR - 4th dan
US Federation of Battodo - 3rd dan

Assistant Instructor
Rob started with the dojo in 2014 while attending SVA and made it through! Having grown in practice, he has shown great success in tournaments in the US, Japan, and the US. His strong skills are in kata and gekken.
ZNTIR - 4th dan
US Federation of Battodo - 4th dan